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This morning Ali cleaned up the ward, Yoav left his food at the Mishkenot. Ali saw that I was coming and asked, what, are you going already? Yoav answered, No, we're going for a walk. Ali said oh, Walla, Wednesday I forgot

Amir left the files in the redhead's apartment. After he went back down, he remembered that he, too, wanted to and tried to send Messenger Amir to put the bag and his ear in the fridge and everything. Amir procrastinated and tried to buy time, and Naama came and saved him from the whole story and we went off in Bethel to Jordan. First stop in Augusta Victoria. The hillock from Silwan took NIS five for entry --- into the church. We sat down, climbed the tower, talked about Herod's nipple, went downstairs. We designed the Nunet Dimensions of Nir Mammon, there was coffee and a cat.

We broke into Mercy Corpse (Mercy Battalions) - the orchard.

A woman with a veil welcomed us. We asked how Mormons came. Warned us about the dogs. The murder dogs where we roamed. . In the car we went down to the Mormons. courage.

The guard said we should not shoot and we did take pictures despite this. Gary welcomed us. Need to do a diet. Seated us in a screening hall. We saw a movie about the Mormons. David Resnick designed the building with a very high level of detail. Dan Tzur did the landscaping. Americans brain live in the beautiful building in Jerusalem

Made a short performance on the impressive Danish organ. kathleen holyoak

The 73-year-old's firm feet ran on the organ pedals. And hinted at the pleasures that the Mormon Church members receive.

A visit to the yard. Fat Gary pulled the trouser models of the Old City from cast iron. An ancient winepress model of which the Mormons spend time and olives. Back to the car. To the Old City. Welcome my donkey haifa to us up front. In Arafat we checked the maclove was amazing the lamb melts in your mouth.

We put a crown of chickpeas. Arafat sent us to Jafar to buy the Kanapa. 40 shekels of sensory and diabetes. A stop at the Knights Palace. The courtyard looks like a tzrifin. On the slit are beer cork screws, the preservation comes along with vomit bags.

Thanks and peace.

מעוז כלבי הרצח
בדרך לג׳אפר- סולטן הלד הגדול

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