TIME: 2016-2017
PROF: Dr. Tomaso Monestiroli
GROUP PROJECT WITH: Greta Salerio, Lucrezia Tagliabo and Martina Toniolo

Our analysis of the town arose the lack of a central place which offers itself for the public of Inveruno, except for the crossroad in front of the town's church. Hence, Apart from fulfilling the assignments brief, our project set itself to create a new piazza for the town of Inveruno. A piazza that will tie together the educational buildings of the school with the public functions surrounding the wide public vacuum.

The main element that set out to tie the different utilities and functions of the project's buildings are 'the walls'. Along with the historical silo that tells the story of Inveruno’s past as an agricultural town, the walls, higher than the other elements, function as a monumental part to be seen from a far. Four high walls create long corridors with rhythmic openings that define the piazza's space and connect the elementary school with the silo that is reused into a gallery space and the primary school with the gymnasium and auditorium.

By reusing and not demolishing the abandoned silos we hoped to contribute to the town's identity. The silo, a symbol of the city that is evident from a distance was neglected for years. Our proposition aims at turning the old and neglected into relevant and inspiring. On the western side of it, we settled a small greenhouse and some plots of lands for crops that face the school's laboratory. These will allow the school to establish itself as a biological-agricultural oriented school along with hosting the annual agricultural festival, emphasizing the pleasant climate of Inveruno for outdoor activities. The annual agricultural festival, hosted in the piazza, will be another way in which the school will tie itself with the public of Inveruno.